Knowledge Center
What is incontinence?
Incontinence is the accidental or involuntary loss of urine or faeces (stool). More specifically, urinary incontinence applies to bladder leakage....
Faecal incontinence refers to a lack of control over bowels.
What causes incontinence?
Incontinence doesn’t have to be a part of getting older. It can affect anyone at any age.
A host of issues may directly cause... or play a part in causing faecal incontinence and/or urinary incontinence. While sometimes it’s related to nerve damage, other times it may be due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Injuries, such as spinal cord injuries, may affect control over both your bladder and bowels.
Other potential causes may include:
1- Childbirth or pregnancy
2- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
3- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
4- Side effects from radiation or other cancer treatments
5- Neurological diseases like Multiple Sclerosis
How do I know if I have incontinence?
If you’re not sure, it’s best to talk to your doctor first. However, we do have a few questions you can ask yourself to decide if incontinence may be affecting you....
Do you ever:
1. Accidentally soil your underwear or pants with urine or faeces without being able to hold it back and control when it’s time to go?
2. Experience leakage of faeces or bed-wetting at night (nocturia)?
3. Leak when you exercise, cough, sneeze, or laugh?
4. Stay nervous or experience social anxiety because you’re afraid of having another accident?
5. Stay home and avoid social activities so you can be near your own bathroom in case of an urgent need to use the bathroom or fear of losing control of your bowels or bladder?
What are the types of urinary incontinence?
A few different types of urinary incontinence exist, including:
Stress incontinence: urine loss during physical activity, coughing, sneezing, or laughing
Urge incontinence: urine loss with increased urgency to void your bladder...
Mixed incontinence: a combination of urine loss from both stress and urge incontinence
Overflow incontinence: a consistent and nearly constant voiding of urine without control
What are the types of faecal incontinence?
In the case of faecal incontinence, sometimes known as bowel leakage, you may have:
Passive faecal incontinence: leakage of liquid or solid stool with your awareness...
Urge incontinence: feeling a strong sensation that you need to go to the bathroom but unable to stop it from coming out before reaching a toilet